Information report
Annual Report
Yearly Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Monthly Public Report
Parent Entity’s Financial Statements
Risk Exposure Information
Leverage Ratio
Financial Performance Last 5 Years
Key Metric

Financial Report

Information on the stocks and financial condition of Bank Neo Commerce is presented on this page to maintain openness and transparency for all investors.

Annualy, Quarterly and Monthly Report Publications

Information related with achievements and strategic steps that have been done with Bank Neo Commerce every year and company result publication and financial position of Bank Neo Commerce in accordance with Accountant Guide of Indonesia Banking and rules that applied by Bank Indonesia. Monthly publications are published the end of the month to give information about financial performance of Bank Neo Commerce.

Further information to see Financial Report, choose and click this link below.

Yearly Financial Report

Further information to see Yearly Financial Report, choose and click this link below.

Yearly Financial Report

Quarterly Financial Report

Further information to see Quarterly Financial Report, choose and click this link below.

Quarterly Financial Report

Monthly Public Report

Further information to Monthly Public Report, choose and click this link below.

Monthly Public Report

Risk Exposure Information

In order to implement transparent risk management application information, in accordance with the regulations of the Financial Services Authority, Bank Neo Commerce publishes Risk Exposure Information in the form of an annual report. To view Risk Exposure Information, please select and click on the link below.

Risk Exposure Information

Financial Performance Last 5 Years

Documentation of the Five-Year Financial Performance of Bank Neo Commerce Bank is documented in the 5-year financial performance report table. Click the link below to see the 5-year financial performance report of Bank Neo Commerce.

Financial Performance Last 5 Years





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Information report
Annual Report
Yearly Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report
Monthly Public Report
Parent Entity’s Financial Statements
Risk Exposure Information
Leverage Ratio
Financial Performance Last 5 Years
Key Metric