Corporate Social Responsibility
Risk Monitoring Committee
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Audit Committee
General Meeting of Shareholders
RUPS Announcements
RUPS Invitation
RUPS Decisions
Corporate Secretary
Governance Report
Board of Commisioners and Directors Charter
Internal Audit Charter

Good Corporate Governance

Bank Neo Commerce is committed to consistently carrying out corporate governance per applicable regulatory requirements and maintaining credibility by operating responsibly, fairly, and transparently.

<p>Corporate Social Responsibility</p>

In carrying out good corporate governance, BNC is also committed to building a sustainable economy and creating a positive impact on society.

Risk Monitoring Committee

See further Risk Monitoring Committee of Bank Neo Commerce.

Risk Monitoring Committee

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

See further Nomination & Remuneration Committee of Bank Neo Commerce.

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Audit Committee

See further Audit Committee of Bank Neo Commerce.

Audit Committee

General Meeting of Shareholders

See further the annual report of the General Meeting of Shareholders, which Bank Neo Commerce has held.

Corporate Secretary

Bank Neo Commerce Corporate Secretary directly responsible to President Director and have an important role to facilitate communication between company as an Emiton and Regulator, legal entity, capital market supporting institutions, investors, public stakeholders, and information managers which related with company business environment and the community.

Formation, elevation, and implementation of Corporate Secretary in accordance with financial services authority regulations number 35/POJK.04/2014 about Emiten Corporate Secretary or Public Company, Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia No.KEP-00001/BEI/01-2014 concerning changes to Regulation No. I-A concerning Listing of Shares and Equity-Type Securities Other Than Shares Issued by Listed Companies and Regulation No. IX.I.4 Decision of the Chairman of Bapepam No.KEP-63/PM/1996 dated January 17, 1996 concerning the Establishment of a Corporate Secretary.

See the guide and Corporate Secretary profile of Bank Neo Commerce.

Corporate Secretary

Governance Report

See the report of Bank Neo Commerce Corporate Governance.

Governance Report

Board of Commisioners and Directors Charter

Bank Neo Commerce implements performance standards that refer to the company's principles and philosophy to maintain the long-term sustainability of the company.
See the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Charter.

Board of Commisioners and Directors Charter

Internal Audit Charter

The Internal Audit Charter is an official document that defines the objectives, authorities, and responsibilities of the internal audit of Bank Neo Commerce.
See Internal Audit Charter.

Internal Audit Charter





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Corporate Social Responsibility
Risk Monitoring Committee
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Audit Committee
General Meeting of Shareholders
RUPS Announcements
RUPS Invitation
RUPS Decisions
Corporate Secretary
Governance Report
Board of Commisioners and Directors Charter
Internal Audit Charter