Product Info
Membership Level
Membership Level Introduction
Usage Guidelines
Terms & Conditions

Get additional benefits by joining Neo Membership

Neo Membership is membership program that can be accessed and enjoyed by all Bank Neo Commerce customers. The membership program consists of 5 levels, which are determined by the customer's monthly average balance and financial transactions/activities done by the customers in the Neobank application. Each customer who is a member will be able to enjoy various benefits offered by each membership level.

Membership Level

Level 1 - Citizen

Point Growth Value



Weekly Coupon

Up to Rp 1,000

Free Transfer


Top up via VA


Level 2 - Expert

Point Growth Value



Membership Day

Every Monday

Weekly Coupon

Up to Rp 1,000

Free Transfer


Birthday Gift

2,000 Neo World Coin

Free VA Transfer


Top up by VA



Level 3 - Master

Point Growth Value



Membership DayEvery Monday
Weekly CouponUp to Rp 2,000
Free Transfer15x
Birthday Gift5,000 Neo World Coin
Free VA Transfer2x
Top up by VA 25x
Free Withdrawal1x

Level 4 - Hero

Point Growth Value



     Membership Day          Every Monday     
     Weekly Coupon          Up to Rp 5,000     
     Free Transfer          25x     
     Birthday Gift          10,000 Neo World Coin​​​​​​​     
     Free VA Transfer          5x​​​​​​​     
     Top up by VA          30x​​​​​​​     
     Free Withdrawal          2x​​​​​​​     
     Exclusive Privilege     Rp 50,000     
Exclusive RM 

Level 5 - Legend

Point Growth Value



Membership DayEvery Monday
Weekly CouponUp to Rp 10,000
Free Transfer30x
Birthday Gift20,000 Neo World Coin
Free VA Transfer10x
Top up by VA30x
Free Withdrawal3x
Exclusive PrivilegeRp 100,000
Exclusive RM 

Membership Level Introduction

The BNC membership level is determined by the user's growth value, users can increase savings assets or complete growth value tasks to increase growth values and users can upgrade membership level if they meet a certain criteria. Each level has different benefits.


Membership levelGrowth Value Points
Lv1 Citizen0
Lv2 Expert100
Lv3 Master1,000
Lv4 Hero10,000
Lv5 Legend50,000

Neo Membership

Terms & Conditions





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Product Info
Membership Level
Membership Level Introduction
Usage Guidelines
Terms & Conditions