Google Play
Google Play

Regular Promo


  1. Promo period: 01/03/2025 - 31/03/2025
  2. During the promo period, users who make their payment with hematpay (BNC QRIS) at Google Play min. Rp40K will get instant discount Rp3,5K. Discounts are available for the first 14.285 transactions during period. Each user has 1 chances per month.
  3. If the quota has run out, then the next user will not get a discount.;
  4. If BNC finds fraud in any form (including but not limited to intentional system attacks, manipulation actions to get promo prizes, counterfeiting actions) BNC may at any time cancel the right to receive prizes, and claim legal obligations at the same time.
  5. To the extent permitted by law, BNC has the final right to interpret this activity.
  6. If you have any questions, please contact customer service 1500-190, or send an email to

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